Whew!, what a busy few weeks...Edmond and I headed to Little Rock Dec. 18 to pick up Uncle Jonathan and head north. Once we arrived in Cherokee Village (hometown) we began preparing for the Rhodes Old Fashioned Christmas that went from Thurs.-Sunday.
When my brothers and I were younger we would get together with all of my dad's family around Christmas and hunt a real Christmas tree, cut it down and decorate it with homemade ornaments. This was coined "Rhodes Old Fashioned Christmas". I know some of you may be picturing The Griswald Family; close but not quite. I am proud to say we don't have a "Cousin Eddie"! in our family, yet!
There were over 50 Rhodes', which included previous Rhodes' and spouses/children/significant others. What a fun time!! We ate and visited and tooks lots of pictures, we also did Dirty Santa between the adults and the kids...it was really good to see everyone and introduce Edmond to his extended family. I have so many more pictures but they're on my parents' camera--will have to steal them later. Dirty Santa Gift exchange between the youngsters...my oldest nephew, Corbin has the blue shirt w/ the white number on back.
Happy 84th Birthday, Mammaw!!
Mammaw's (my mom's mom) birthday is on Dec. 23 and we always make a big deal about it even though it's 2 days from Christmas. We went to the nursing home and had cake and watched her open presents.
Mammaw, Uncle Frank and Brenda (my mom) escort her in to her party!
Cheeeeese...I had to post this even though Robbie was looking at Edmond. Still celebrating Mammaw's birthday.
Later that afternoon we went to Robbie's youngest bro's house to celebrate Christmas Eve Eve with the Joneses. Memaw Bettie (Robbie's mom) had a photographer to come out and take a family picture of everyone. We ate a yummy dinner and then opened presents after our photo opt. Cousin Maggie, Uncle Rustie and Edmond take a break from photos to pose for an amateur photographer. Isn't Maggie's dress too cute??!!
Rachel, I just now had time to look at and read your blog! I enjoyed it and think Edmond is darling.
We had a good Christmas also. Ainsley and her parents came for two days and a night. They have all been sick too, and she had a runny nose! It just goes with childhood but she did real good with all our folks on Christmas Eve that were here for dinner. She started walking about a month ago and now you can't keep up with her. She loves the two steps in my den, played on them more than her presents.
Tell your parents hello. We went to two Christmas parties at the mansion during December. It was fun and the decorations were great. It won't be long now to the 4th of July...bring Edmond and your family and come join us! Love,Dana
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